For young people

»Moje izkušnje/My Experience« my way to employment – how it helps students, secondary school pupils and young jobseekers?

The advantages that »Moje izkušnje/My Experience« bring to seekers of student work, regular employment and other types of work:
-    It serves as a tool for planning career path
-    It can be saved to PDF file and attached to the electronic job applications
-    It can be printed out as a document and enclosed to the job application in addition to CV and motivational letter
-    It can be brought to the job interview as a certificate of acquired experiences
-    It can be presented to the career counsellor at Public Employment Service as it helps in preparation of career plans and it enables an overview of young persons’ experiences


Who has access to »Moje izkušnje/My Experience” certificate?

»Moje izkušnje/My Experience« is available for members and ex-members of e-Študentski Servis employment agency at the website in the application called Osebni Servis (Personal Service). It is prepared in order to help young people in recording their knowledge and skills acquired though student work as easy and quickly as possible.
The certificate »Moje izkušnje/My Experience« is available for all young people who have ever worked via e-Študentski Servis (student work though student referral), even after they lose student status. The information on performed works in Moje izkušnje/My Experience« is available from the year 2005 onwards.


Responses of young people to »Moje izkušnje/My Experience«


How can »Moje izkušnje/My Experience” help young unemployed people?

Tudi izkušnje, pridobljene s študentskim delom, so pomembne in lahko povečajo možnosti za zaposlitev. Da bi se lažje spomnili, katera vsa dela ste opravljali tekom šolanja ter kakšna znanja, veščine in kompetence ste pridobili, smo vam vsa pretekla dela zabeležili v »Moje izkušnje« v vašem osebnem servisu.
Brezposelnim mladim predlagamo:
-    da si potrdilo »Moje izkušnje« shranite v PDF dokument ter ga priložite elektronskim prijavam na delovno mesto;
-    da potrdilo »Moje izkušnje« natisnete ter ga poleg življenjepisa, motivacijskega pisma in ostalih potrdil priložite prijavi na delovno mesto;
-    da potrdilo »Moje izkušnje« odnesete s sabo na razgovor za delo;
-    da potrdilo »Moje izkušnje« uporabite pri pogovoru z vašim svetovalcem na Zavodu za zaposlovanje, saj vam olajša pripravo kariernega načrta in pregled nad delovnimi izkušnjami.


Where can young unemployed people get the certificate »Moje izkušnje/My Experience«?

Everyone who has ever worked via e-Študentski Servis (student work though student referral), can get their  »Moje izkušnje/My Experience« in the Osebni Servis (Personal Service). You simply log in to Osebni Servis (Personal Service) with your user name and password, click on the icon “Moje izkušnje”  and all of your performed jobs will be there – with the name of the employers, year of work, number of hours and the competencies you gained.  You can save the document to PDF file or print it.

Have you forgotten your user name and password?
Don’t worry. On this link you can get the user name and password back by typing in your name, e-mail and tax identification number. In case any problems occur, you can contact us though e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


How does the certificate »Moje izkušnje/My Experience« look like?

You can check it out at this link.