For companies and organizations

»Moje izkušnje/My Experience« - an asset for employers – companies get the best candidates easily

»Moje izkušnje/My Experience« is an asset for employers as it gives you an easy and credible review of all working experience of a pupil/student during the studies. Therefore, you can check the working experience and knowledge of the young candidates for your job easily . Before »Moje izkušnje/My Experience« was established, you had to check the previous experiences and references of your candidates on your own. The new HR tool makes your choices of candidates easier and it also saves you money and time. You can simply ask your candidates to attach the certificate »Moje izkušnje/My Experience« to the job application or to bring it with him/her to the job interview.


What does »Moje izkušnje/My Experience« bring to the employers?

The companies’ responses to »Moje izkušnje/My Experience« are very good and positive as it saves them money and time. The companies get:

  • A review of all working experience of a pupil/student during the studies, which helps you in the selection and hiring process of youth (for student jobs and for regular employment)
  • Name of the company/employer
  • The year of student work at the employer
  • The type of work the students performed
  • The number of hours of student work at each employer (the exact information based on the number of hours on the paid invoices of referral forms - »Moje izkušnje/My Experience« are credible)
  • Gained competences  (soft skills, work-specific competences,  foreign languages, IT skills) – employers get a better overview of the candidate’s knowledge though »Moje izkušnje/My Experience«, it is an addition to the candidate’s CV


Responses of some companies to »Moje izkušnje/My Experience«

  • “For employers this is helpful and useful information at the selection of new employees about the acquired working experience of the candidates” Maja Šibič, Human Resources, Spar Slovenija d.o.o.
  • “»Moje izkušnje/My Experience« is exactly what students lack when they come to the first job interview – all their experience organized. »Moje izkušnje/My Experience« help us in the selection process, as the certificates offers objectively confirmed facts, not something everyone can write on their own.” Dino Zupančič, direktor, Agencija 101 d.o.
  • “Moje izkušnje so točno to,  kar študentom ponavadi manjka, ko pridejo na 1. razgovor za zaposlitev  - urejene izkušnje. To nam olajša izbiranje, ker gre za objektivno potrjena dejstva, ne le za nekaj, kar nekdo sam napiše”. Dino Zupančič, direktor, Agencija 101 d.o.o..
  • “Our opinion is that the certificate is by all means a useful attachment to the CV, however we wouldn’t choose the candidate only on the basis of that.” Alenka Cerkovnik, , Human Resources, Sportina Bled d.o.o.